On this page you can read about why we have established this foundation, what our mission statement is and how we intend to help the children of St. Gemma in Tanzania, as well as how you can contribute.
The school is integrated with a home for 27 children whose parents are currently in prison which is run by 6 Sisters of St. Gabriel. Apart from the Sisters, there are 21 local teachers employed at the school, spread across 3 pre-school and 7 primary school classes for the 565 school children.
”Tanzania St. Gemma, Childrens Foundation” which is registered in Guldborgsund Municipality, Denmark, has been established to support the collection of founds for the education, welfare and development of the children of the St. Gemma School and Children's Home in Arusha, Tanzania, as well as ensuring that information about St. Gemma children is communicated to the world.
Based on the concrete actions and challenges facing St. Gemma, as well as on incoming suggestions from the foundation's members, certain projects and topics are chosen in order to improve the children's welfare and the school's resources.
Everybody can become a member of the foundation. This includes private persons, organisations and companies. The yearly membership fee is 50 DKK (€7).
All those registered as members are able to vote at the foundation’s annual general assembly.
Contacting the board members at:
Chairperson, Katja Siv Harwitz
Cashier, Hilary Lewis Karlson
Secretary, Susanne Harvits
Member, Rikke Vestergaard
Substitute, Lone Johnsen
For membership, fill out the contact form on the "member-page" or write to bestyrelsen@sctgemmachildren.com
Katja harwitz has just returned home from another visit to the school in September
Chairperson Katja Harwitz was the guest og honour at the Festival of Honour attended by 1500 gueates. katja was celebrated and could present the scholl a gift: A copy machine.
The party was a great experience.
Katja received 2 awards for her dedication to helping the pupils of St. Gemma School and the children of the St. Gabriel Children's Home.
The foundation is working on a nu,ber of projects at the moment.
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